Chessi Miltner

Executive Director

Born and raised on Galiano, Chessi feels privileged to now work to protect and steward its lands and waters. He holds a MSc in Geography and a BA&Sc in Environmental Sciences from McGill University. His research has focused on a range of topics, from waste management technologies in urban environments, to traditional agroforestry practices in the Amazonian jungles of Peru. He is an avid kayaker, and has introduced tourists and locals alike to the beauty and ecological diversity of the Salish Sea for over 15 years as a kayak tour guide. When not at the Millard Learning Centre, Chessi is likely to be found outside exploring Galiano’s wild places with his kids.

Cedana Bourne

Sustainable Food Systems Coordinator

You can find Cedana with her hands in the soil at the Native Plant Nursery and the Millard Learning Centre’s Forest Garden. Cedana is in her element when saving seeds and nurturing plants through each stage of development in the cycle of plant life. Cedana is an herbalist who grows or wildcrafts the plants for the formulas she creates for her apothecary. Cedana is also a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who appreciates a delicious, locally grown, whole foods meal.  She is a passionate preserver and loves to incorporate wild foods into all kinds of tasty creations from baking to bubbly brews to fermented concoctions.

Adam Huggins – RPBio

Restoration Coordinator

Adam is the Restoration Coordinator for the Galiano Conservancy and an Instructor in the Restoration of Natural Systems program at the University of Victoria. He holds a BSc in Biology and Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria, as well as a Diploma in the Restoration of Natural Systems, and is a registered professional biologist. He has worked from central California to the north coast of BC at the intersection of applied ecology, ecological restoration, and conservation. He produces and co-hosts the Future Ecologies podcast, and is also an avid backpacker, musician, and naturalist.

Ria Okuda

Education Coordinator

Ria was born and raised on Galiano; she then went across the country to Montreal where she studied at McGill University. After graduating with a BSc in Biology, Ria’s love for travel took her to many parts of the world where she gained experience in different cultures and field studies. She has now returned to beautiful Galiano to raise her family and share her passion and enthusiasm for education, conservation and Galiano’s community.

Martine Paulin

Development Coordinator

A resident of Galiano for the past 30 years, Martine holds a B. Sc. F. degree in Forest Resources Management from UBC. She is also a certified chef with a varied background in Law, translating, kayak guiding, and has several years of experience working for non-profit organizations and managing/owning various businesses on the island. She is an outdoor enthusiast who loves camping, sea kayaking, sailing, paddle boarding, biking and exploring nature with her dog Snoop, husband Christian and daughter Lili Jasmine. Playing music with friends, foraging, pottery, gardening, photography, fermenting and experimenting with food are some of her lifelong passions. She is thrilled to be a member of the Conservancy’s dedicated, dynamic and collaborative team.

Tala Clark

MLC Operations Lead

Tala has had a great love of Galiano since she was a small child growing up on the Island. After living away from Galiano for many years she is so happy to have returned with her partner, Cassidy, to be closer to her family. Tala is happiest when working in her garden and exploring the beautiful forests and beaches of Galiano. She is very passionate about local food production and crafting with locally sourced materials. Tala feels very privileged to be working with such a dedicated and caring team.

Sarah Fleming

Environmental Educator

Sarah has a BA in Biology and Environmental Studies from Denison University, where her coursework took her to Bonaire. There she began scientific SCUBA diving and developed a strong passion for marine conservation. Moving forward, she spent several years abroad, from the Turks & Caicos Islands to the Cook Islands, instructing SCUBA and working for non-profit marine organizations. Sarah is in her happy place exploring Galiano’s beaches and forests with her husband, Jordan, and beagle, Arlo.

Sofia Silverman

Conservation & Climate Action Coordinator

Sofia holds an MSc in Geography and a BSc in Physical Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria. She has previously worked in Norway, Vancouver Island, Galiano and Mayne Island in the permaculture and ecological restoration field and is very excited to be back on Galiano. Her research interests include environmental stewardship, marine conservation, permaculture, and community building. Sofia is also passionate about hiking, polar bear plunges, foraging, pottery, and kayaking.