Technical Publications | October 4, 2022
Decrease in recreational fisher compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of Rockfish Conservation Areas
Ban et al., 2022
ViewBan et al., 2022
ViewAuthored by Thompson & Huggins, this detailed report presents an ecological footprint and fingerprint for Galiano Island circa 2021.
ViewProduced by BCIT and CHRM consulting, this report presents Galiano Island's 2021 ecological footprint and emissions Inventories.
ViewProduced by the Global Footprint Network, this report explains the methodology used to estimate Galiano Island's Biocapacity.
ViewPark et al., 2018 - Restoration Ecology
ViewPark & Higgs, 2018 - Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
ViewPark, 2016 - Masters Thesis
ViewHohendorf, 2015 - Masters Thesis
ViewAuthored by Deborah Curran, this report explains the principles and processes of socioecological conservation planning and explores some of the complex regulatory processes involved in integrated mixed‐use enterprises.
ViewAuthored by Chalifour, this report presents baseline data on the status of rockfish populations around Galiano Island.
ViewThompson, 2013 - Masters Thesis
ViewAuthored by Verbenkov, this report provides an overview of the status and location of Species at Risk known or suspected to inhabit Galiano Island.