Single day
Grades K-12
Sum’nuw (Montague Harbour Marine Provincial Park)
April – October
Low-tide dependent
(Look for days around the full or new moon for the best low tides)
With guidance from our instructors, participants will carefully and respectfully collect intertidal animals such as hermit crabs, marine worms and tidepool fish. Together, we will learn how each critter’s special adaptations help it live in the constant flux of the intertidal zone.
What’s that funny-looking thing growing on the dock? Take a peek over the side to find rarely-seen low-tide dwellers like sea slugs, urchins and anemones. Students become teachers on the dock through an activity called a “Teaching Train” where kids teach their classmates more about marine invertebrate adaptations, taxonomy and niches.
While walking along a stunning white shell beach (a shell midden) and tidal lagoon, learn about how Hul’qumi’num-speaking peoples have been living on and caring for Sum’nuw (Montague Harbour Marine Provincial Park) for over 3,000 years.