The Vanilla Leaf Land Nature Reserve was acquired by the Islands Trust Conservancy in 2013, in partnership with the Galiano Conservancy, the Nature Conservancy of Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada. The Galiano Conservancy holds a conservation covenant on the property and maintains its ecosystems and trails, which are accessible to the public year-round.
This 40 ha reserve bridges the gap between the Pebble Beach Marine Reserve and the Millard Learning Centre, creating a continuous protected area of more than 600 hectares known as the Mid-Island Protected Areas Network (MIPAN). The Vanilla Leaf Land Nature Reserve protects the remaining portion of the Great Beaver Swamp and much of its upland forest. Pockets of old-growth Douglas-fir and Garry oak stand on an inland bluff stretching across the property. Below, a lush forest of red alder, Western redcedar and bigleaf maple drapes over a rich riparian ecosystem. It provides vital habitat for a variety of at-risk species, including Olive-sided Flycatcher, Blue dasher, and Great Blue Heron.