English Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)



Small, thorny deciduous tree growing up to 10 m tall.  Leaves are distinctly lobed; clusters of showy white flowers are followed by round red berries.


This European tree readily establishes in sunny, cleared areas that have been disturbed by agriculture or grazing.  It also moves into native wetlands.  On Galiano Island, it is frequently found in old fields and drained wetlands.


English hawthorn can form a dense shrubby layer on disturbed sites and in wetlands, preventing the regeneration of native trees and shrubs.


Wear thick gloves and clothing to limit scratches from thorns.  Small diameter saplings can be pulled by hand or using a weed wrench.  Tree-sized plants should be cut above ground, and then the roots must be excavated.  Roots that are left intact may re-sprout.  Removed plant material with fruits should be piled and burned; plant material without fruits can be dried out on an impermeable membrane, then discarded in the forest in a shady area, provided it is located where it will not result in a fire hazard.

Our Experience

English hawthorn produces many seeds, and disperses widely through birds.  Cut stems may re-sprout, so it is important to remove the roots completely or cut repeatedly.

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