Slough Sedge
November 21, 2022
By Adam Huggins
Slough Sedge
Carex obnupta
- Hul’qumi’num Name: tl’utl’
- Description: Perennial, densely-tufted herb from long creeping rhizomes to 150 cm. Male flower spikes are borne above female spikes in a terminal inflorescence.
- Habitat: Swamps, marshes, riverbanks, wet meadows, and depressions.
- Pair with: Western redcedar, willows, hardhack, small-headed bulrush, salmonberry.
- Fun Fact: Slough sedge is the most common sedge on Galiano Island, and is found in areas that are seasonally wet. It is a traditional basketry plant, as well as an important component of local wetland ecosystems.