Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica)


Perennial herb from a scaly, egg-shaped, 2- to 3-cm long bulb; flowering stems erect, 20-50 cm tall, smooth. Blue bell-shaped flowers occur in terminal clusters.


Spanish bluebells are native to the Iberian Peninsula. They are an escaped ornamental plant found in roadsides, forest edges, and Garry Oak ecosystems.  On Galiano Island, they are uncommon but occasionally established on coastal bluffs and Garry Oak ecosystems.


Spanish bluebells compete for space with native plants in Garry oak ecosystems. They are incredibly difficult to remove from a site once they’ve established. Left on their own, they will quickly form a monocultural colony in just a matter of years.  They can be mistaken for the native wildflower camas (Camassia spp.).


Dig out the bulbs to remove individual plants, ideally prior to flowering (usually April – May). It may take several years of removal to be successful. Dry plant remains in the sun or in a garbage bag for a year before composting or discarding in the forest in a shady area.

Our Experience

Remove individual plants before they form large colonies.  Avoid planting this pretty but problematic ornamental species.

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