Stinging Nettle

Urtica dioica
  • Hul’qumi’num Name: tth’uxtth’ux
  • Description: Herbaceous perennial up to 200 cm, spreading by underground rhizomes. Leaves and stems are covered with hollow hairs (trichomes) which delvier a powerful sting.
  • Habitat: Moist to mesic thickets, streambanks, deciduous woodlands, and open sites.
  • Harvest: Stem tips, leaves, seeds, and rhizomes. Harvest stems and leaves prior to flowering and seeding.
  • Edibility: Stems and leaves are delicious in a variety of dishes, and can be eaten raw or cooked after processing.
  • Fun Fact: This highly nutritious and versatile herb is also an important larval food source for several native butterflies.

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