Student Reports | August 22, 2023
Acoustic Bird Monitoring
Report from UVic's ES 471 Class of 2023.
ViewReport from UVic's ES 471 Class of 2023.
ViewThe mating call of the northern red-legged frog (Rana aurora), which is a threatened species on the Provincial Blue-List.
ViewMilestone Timeline | Reflections from the Education Department | Sustainable Living | Species At Risk in Your Backyard | Restoration, Learning, and Memory
ViewReport from UVic's ER 412 Class of 2018.
ViewMarine Conservation | Rockfish | Bat Monitoring | Water Conservation | Living Harmoniously with Beavers
ViewReports from UVic's ES 471 Class of 2017.
ViewForest Restoration | Herbal Workshop | Solar Energy | Elder Relations
ViewStudents report from UVic's ES 490 in 2015
ViewAn introduction to Rockfish in the Southern Gulf Islands
ViewReport from UVic's ES 470 Class of 2013.
ViewAuthored by Chalifour, this report presents baseline data on the status of rockfish populations around Galiano Island.