Land Stewardship

The Coastal Douglas-fir Zone

The Coastal Douglas-fir zone (map) is not only small, it is also the area of highest development in British Columbia, with nearly half its area considered permanently altered by urban development. This precious bioregion is so unique because of its geology, geography and hydrology —all of which affect its biology. One of the defining features that separates it from the rest of BC is that it lies in the shelter of the Vancouver Island Mountain Ranges and the Olympic Mountains, which cast a rainshadow that makes the area considerably drier than the surrounding temperate rainforest.

The Galiano Conservancy has not only strived to acquire land for protection of the coastal Douglas-fir ecosytems, we have also been involved in a number of projects and workshops to help raise awareness of and protect Species at Risk in our region. Our current efforts are focusing on:

  • invasive species removal in sensitive areas as part of our Ecological Restoration programs
  • nest box installation and monitoring for Purple Martins and Western Bluebirds
  • ongoing monitoring of Species at Risk on our conservation properties and through community reports
  • re-introduction of White Meconella (Meconella oregana) to Mount Sutil
  • community monitoring of reptiles and amphibian roadside mortality