
South Delta Secondary Goes Intertidal

We were delighted to host South Delta Secondary School on June 11, 2018 for Marine Investigations, our popular intertidal exploration program. 

Sea Stars and Smiles- South Delta Secondary

The students were lucky enough to find a couple of opalescent nudibranchs (sea slugs) as well as a large red rock crab and a lion’s mane jellyfish. We also found several crab moults (their shed skeleton) with gills still intact!

Opalescent Nudibranch. Photo: Dan Hershman, Creative Commons

Opalescent Nudibranch. Photo: Dan Hershman, Creative Commons


Crab molt.

Male red rock crab

The students flexed their science skills during an activity where they measured the diversity of marine lifeforms across the inter-tidal zone. Through this activity not only did they discover how one beach contains many different habitats, but they also found great examples of inter-tidal species, from shore crabs to gunnels (a type of inter-tidal fish). And everyone learned how to complete a transect— a great skill for burgeoning scientists.

Delta Secondary School June 2018

Feeling the power of seastar pedicellariae (little scissors)

Like many of our school groups, South Delta Secondary was able to benefit from one of our program bursaries, made possible through the generosity of our donors and volunteers, particularly through our amazing Walkalong for Learning. 

Thank you, South Delta Secondary! We hope to see you again next year.