Please consider joining our Annual Giving Circle or becoming a monthly donor! Reliable funding from monthly or yearly donation pledges helps make our land conservation work sustainable.
Every little bit helps our mission. Your impact is greatest with monthly gifts.
Our Annual Giving Circle members have a huge impact on conservation.
Creating a legacy gift in your will helps protect nature forever. Supporting conservation in this way has important benefits for you and your heirs.
A gift of appreciated securities is an easy, convenient way to give to conservation, while maximizing your tax benefits.
By donating or selling your property for conservation you can protect your land for generations to come!
Our Endowment Fund at the Vancouver Foundation is an investment in the Conservancy’s long-term sustainability.
If you are an employee who wishes to know if your employer is currently registered for a Matching Donation Program, click the button below.
You can also encourage your employer to set up a Matching Donation Program to support your favorite causes! Contact us at to find out how!
If you are a BC public servant, you can support the GCA through the Provincial Employee Community Service Fund. By selecting the Galiano Conservancy Association as your charity of choice, you directly support conservation on the British Columbia coast and make a real difference for the environment.
Without our volunteers, we would not be able to fulfill our mission. They are a committed group of individuals who care deeply about preserving the nature around us. Weekly volunteer events provide opportunities to work directly with our knowledgeable staff, learning by doing in the fields of conservation, restoration, and sustainable food systems. Gain new experiences, develop new skills and make connections with a diverse community of people who share your interests.