Latest News

Experience nature through art & music

Join us for the 2024 Musical Walkalong!

Join us at the Millard learning Centre (10825 Porlier Pass Road, Galiano Island) on Sunday, August 25th at 1:30pm, for the 12th edition of the Galiano Conservancy’s Musical Walkalong!

This family-friendly and inclusive event features a musical walking route through scenic forest trails, followed by a musical celebration festival in the afternoon. Experience live music and art in the great outdoors, and enjoy a day filled with creativity and nature.


Major Win for Old Growth Conservation on Galiano!

The Galiano Conservancy Association (GCA) is delighted to announce the protection of 42 hectares (103.5 acres) of ecologically diverse mature and old-growth coastal Douglas-fir forest on Galiano Island through the creation of the Talking Trees Nature Reserve. This waterfront parcel protects 600 metres of undeveloped rocky shoreline and rare habitats including coastal bluffs, Garry oak woodlands, wetlands and riparian forest.


Water Conservation Rebates

Water becomes a limited resource seasonally on Galiano due to our unique Mediterranean climate. As the climate continues to warm, drought and water scarcity are likely to increase in duration and severity. Conserving water is a simple and highly effective means of increasing community and ecosystem resilience in the face of climate change.

The GCA is supporting local water conservation efforts with two rebate programs. Receive $250 for installing a water meter at your residence or business, and up to $500 for installing a new rainwater collection cistern.


Protecting Quadra Hill & the Mt. Sutil Extension

Great news for BC conservation: We’re thrilled to announce the recent acquisition of two properties on Galiano Island, allowing us to protect unique ecosystems that are critical for supporting biodiversity and storing carbon.


Restoring the Chrystal Creek Watershed

After five years of dedicated work, we’ve finally restored natural hydrology to the entirety of the 26 ha Chrystal Creek watershed at the Millard Learning Centre. The ecosystem is now on a solid pathway to recovery, with Species at Risk already using the new wetlands to breed!

Environmental Education

We have programs suited to your needs!

Deepen your connection to nature, inspire others and become an environmental change-maker with hands-on learning experiences on Galiano Island.

Youth Programs (K-12)


Post-Secondary Programs & Internships


Adult Programs & Workshops


Sustainable Food Systems

Many of us have a desire for increased food security and for a closer connection to our food sources. The sustainable food systems developed by the Galiano Conservancy are models of environmentally, socially, and economically-sound sustainable agriculture.

Climate Action

The climate crisis is the defining issue of our time, and the Galiano Conservancy is working to help foster climate-resilient island communities and ecologies.

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved and support the work of the Galiano Conservancy. Community participation is vital to the success of our organization.