Management Plans | September 1, 2024
Quadra Hill Forests: Ecological Restoration Prescription
Restoration plan for Quadra Hill (DL 58)
ViewHistorically, Galiano Island would have been dominated by towering, old-growth Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata) ecosystems with tremendous structural and biological diversity. Forests occur on any land that is not too wet, dry, steep, or rocky to support trees.
Today, over half of the island’s area consists of young and regenerating plantation forests that feature little structural, genetic, or biological diversity. These forests offer poor-quality habitats for wildlife and are more susceptible to disease outbreaks and wildfire than healthy, mature forests. The stands of mature forest that remain on Galiano are found mostly on lands that were logged in the early 1900’s and are fragmented into small patches across the island.
Starting in 1998, with the purchase of DL 63 (now part of the Pebble Beach Reserve), the Galiano Conservancy has played a key role in pioneering novel approaches to forest restoration in the Salish Sea.
Explore examples of ecological restoration projects in forested ecosystems on Galiano Island
A multi-decade effort to restore plantation forests using novel techniques
A new demonstration project for reducing wildfire risk and restoring Galiano Island’s second and third growth forests
Explore the following resources to learn more about forested ecosystems on Galiano Island.
Restoration plan for Quadra Hill (DL 58)
ViewReport from UVic’s ES 471 Class of 2024.
ViewHohendorf, 2015 – Masters Thesis
ViewScholz et al., 2004 – 16th Int’l Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration
ViewAuthored by Emmings & Erickson in 2004, this detailed report includes maps of all Galiano Island ecosystem types, with accompanying descriptions and values.
ViewAn illustrated summary of the Pebble Beach restoration project
ViewErickson, 2003 – Georgia Basin / Puget Sound Research Conference
ViewPark, 2016 – Masters Thesis
ViewPark & Higgs, 2018 – Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
ViewYip, 2020 – RNS Capstone Project